Monday 17 August 2009


Istinye Park Apartments

As I am enjoying the early morning sun on the balcony this morning, I realized that there is nothing I have to do today. No appointments, no errands, no phone calls to make. Tidying the apartment and making dinner this evening is about as strenuous as it will get. Would I like a steady diet of such nothingness? No. However, I am enjoying the calm before the storm. This is the last week of summer vacation. Devlin will start school on Monday, which will bring a stream of new acquaintances, experiences, as well as a much needed routine to our days.

Because I have no idea what lies ahead, life seems full of possibilities. I just peeked at an Istanbul city guide for expats, and next week I could attend a ballet, go to a concert at Topkapi Palace, or see an artists exhibition at Taksim square. School meetings will begin to fill my days. Ex-pat organizations, such as the American Women's Club and the International Women's Club will start up shortly. At the moment, I am content to just know that these things lie around the corner. Soon, I will have to make the first steps to get involved. Right now, I am happy to just know the opportunities are there.

Right now, I am listening to water splashing in the fountain below, and the high pitched whine of a motor bike in the distance. The sky is a serene blue, with just a few whispy white clouds for interest. My neighbor's balcony is ablaze with window boxes containing pink, white and red geraniums. The breeze is lightly ruffling the tree branches.

It is the last week of summer, and I am content to sit and dream.

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